Page name: the monster said. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-18 17:53:30
Last author: Jitter
Owner: Jitter
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"Argggg!" said the monster when it exited its cave.


This wiki was inspired by dear [Isilando]'s I am the monkey. This is a phrase I use a lot: "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRg", said the monster when it came out of its cave. Especially when something annoying happens and I go 'Arggg'. Today in class me and my friend Cassey (means retardedness in all its glory) were trying to find out how it was in German and in French. We only found German though... So help me out people! Thanks [Isilando] for the inspiration!

Ohh And of course! No online translations please!

Greek by [Jitter] "Αρρρρρρρρρρρρργκ!" είπε το τέρας όταν βγήκε απ' τη σπηλιά του.

Ancient Greek by [Jitter] "Αργγγγγγγκ!" το κτήνος ελάλησεν ως εξήλθεμενο του σπηλαίου του.

Old Greek by [Jitter] "Αργκκκκ!" είπεν το θηρίον όταν εξήλθε από το σπήλαιόν του.

German by [Ocean Soul]: "Arrrrrrrrrrrg" sagte das Monster, als es seine Höhle verließ.

Danish by [botlum] (not exactly German or French, but..) "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRg!", sagde monsteret da den kom ud af sin hule.

Turkish by [The_Soulforged] Canavar mağrasından çıktığında "Arrrrrrrrrrg" dedi.

Dutch by [Sunrose] "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRg", zei het monster toen het uit zijn grot kwam.

Binary by [apix] 00100010010000010101001001010010010100100101001001010010010100100101001001010010

Spanish by [Patri]: "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRg", dijo el monstruo cuando salió de su cueva.

French by [Charybdis]: "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRg!" dit le monstre quand il quitta sa caverne.

Pig Latin by [Cia_mar]: " Arrrrgay!" aidsay ethay onstermay enwhay itay exiteday itsay avecay. (couldn't resist!)

Finnish by [Linderel]: "Aaargh!" sanoi hirviö tullessaan ulos luolastaan.

Portugese by [*(.Randi.)*]: “ARRRRRRRRRg” disse o monster quando saiu de sua caverna.

Norwegian - bokmål by [Sharky87]: "AAAARRRGH!" Sa monsteret da det kom ut av hulen sin.
Norwegian - nynorsk by [Triola]: "AAAARRRGH!" Sagde uhyret då det kom ut frå hola si.

Swedish by [Hedda]: "Arrrrg!" sa monstret när det kom ut ur sin grotta.
Pathetic Swedish by [Hedda] "Arrrrg!" utbrast monstret under utträdandet ifrån sin grotta.
Dobbledygook Swedish by [Hedda] "Arrrrg!" deklarerade monstret med orala resurser under det då vederbörande varelse var engagerad i utträde ifrån underjordiskt hålrum vars possesiva status kan med fog antas vara tillhörande denne.

Frisian by [Teufelsweib]: “Argggg!” sizzet it monster doe't it syn grût ferleat.

Relative Wikis
-I am the monkey
-The Toilet Smells Like Flowers

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2005-12-21 [Jitter]: Thank you everyone! Look at how many languages already ^_^

2005-12-22 [nokaredes]: I think in French it is '"Argggg!" a dit le monstre quand il est sorti sa caverne.' but I don't know if it is correct. >_> Maybe someone should ask in the French forum?

2005-12-22 [Jitter]: I think that sounds pretty correct but my french is very poor!

2005-12-22 [apix]: After the great success with "geekish" here is the binary... ( no online translator was used :p I wrote the program myself )

2005-12-22 [Janouk]: Ehm...what's the differents between old and ancient Greek?

2005-12-22 [Jitter]: Ancient is ancientt LOL. Old is the language that was spoken and written since 1821 till quite recently ( in 30's) Thanks for the binary ^_^

2005-12-23 [Patri]: Oh Apix, Apix... does it all have to be binary? :P

2005-12-23 [Janouk]: Ohhh, thanks Jitter ;-)

2005-12-26 [apix]: But of course patri. btw, apix its not with a capital "a" .. :)

2005-12-26 [Jitter]: No problem [Janouk] ;)

2005-12-27 [Patri]: [apix] is not with a capital "a" and [Patri] is not parti :P

2005-12-27 [Sunrose]: So is! Parti on! Whoohooo! :D

2005-12-27 [Patri]: LOL!!! Shhhh, Surosen or I´ll have to tell Gedda :P

2005-12-27 [Sunrose]: hena go hell turkey sed once :o

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